Reflexology is a holistic therapy performed on the feet, face and hands. Reflexology aims to treat the mind, body and soul, to rebalance, restore and rejuvenate. The organs, systems and glands of the body are mapped across the feet, face or hands, and applying pressure on the reflex points can help to release any blockages in the energy channels and create balance across the whole body.
The history of reflexology.
Forms of massaging the feet and applying pressure to specific points and treating the body holistically can be traced back thousands of years including to Ancient Egypt and China.
The main therapy used today, however, is based on the work of Eunice Ingham from the mid to late twentieth century. This version of reflexology was brought to Britain in the 1960s by Doreen Bayly, who studied with Eunice Ingham in America.
The benefits of reflexology.
- Deeply relaxing
- Can help with sleep issues
- Can help to alleviate tension
- Can aid circulation
- Can aid the body’s own healing process
- Can help with issues such as headaches, stress, anxiety, back pain, sluggish digestion, menopausal symptoms, respiratory, sinus congestion and many other health problems.
What to expect with a foot reflexology.
The initial treatment will include a free consultation. This is very important to gather a detailed knowledge of your medical history and your lifestyle, enabling me to build a greater understanding of you as a whole person.
You will be fully clothed with just socks and shoes to be removed. I will cleanse your feet and begin with a warm up massage, followed by the reflexology routine using various techniques including finger and thumb walking, pivoting, hook ins and rotations.
At the end I will give another foot massage before allowing you time to ‘ground’ yourself before leaving.
I do not claim to cure, diagnose or prescribe, but by working holistically I can help bring about balance to the whole body that could improve health and well being.
Facial reflexology
What is facial reflexology?
Facial reflexology is based on the same principles of foot reflexology. The face is mapped with many reflex points that correspond to the major systems, organs and glands of the body. By applying pressure to these points, it can release any toxins built up and stimulate the energy flow within the body, helping to bring about balance to the whole body.
What to expect with a facial reflexology.
The treatment starts with a relaxing routine with movement up and around the face and top of the head. Then specific reflex points are worked on in a very slow manner, with either a circular motion or a slow forward and backward movement with applied pressure from a finger. The treatment is very much tailored to your needs and a series of relevant points focusing on the main and associated areas of concern are set out before the treatment begins.
What are the benefits of facial reflexology?
- Very good for increasing blood circulation to the face and head area.
- Releasing muscular tension.
- Improving muscle tone
- Encouraging lymphatic drainage
- Helping with stress relief.
- Helping to leave the face feeling toned and rejuvenated.
Hot stone reflexology
What is hot stone reflexology?
It is the application of heated stones with manual reflexology, the combination of which provides a deeply relaxing and therapeutic experience.
The subtle energies of the warm stones calm the senses, relax muscle tension and can produce a deep relaxed state. The heat from the stones can penetrate to a deeper level giving a more powerful reflexology treatment.
The stones used are known as basalt which is porous and a product of volcanic/sedimentary action, leaving a beautiful dense
What are the benefits of hot stone reflexology?
- Promotes relaxation.
- Increases heart rate, respiration and vasodilation of capillaries.
- Increases circulation and elimination of waste products.
- Improves circulation and lymphatic function.
- Deeply relaxes the muscles.
What to expect with a hot stone reflexology.
The routine follows the same principles of foot reflexology, by applying pressure to the specific reflex points across the feet but various sized hot stones are used instead of the thumbs, fingers and hands. The session is an hour long which includes the warm up massage of the feet and lower legs at the beginning and the end.
For this treatment, you will need to wear some loose trousers that can be easily moved as I need to work right up to and around the knee. The stones do get very hot, and though the stones will always be moving across your skin, if you are not comfortable with heat, then I advise you to try other forms of reflexology.